I did it, I finally filled out the DOE survey regarding our choice for this coming school year 2020-2021, which is due today. It was so hard to fill it out and then hit that enter button, but it had to be done.
Our two options for this coming school year are 1) 100% Remote learning or 2) Combination of In-Person and Remote Learning. For Valentina we've known for a while that it would be 100% remote learning, due to her asthma and other health issues but with Miguel being a little bit older and us wanting him to have somewhat of a normal senior year, we let him have a voice. I know it wasn't an easy decision, with him being robbed of half his junior year in high school year and now being robbed of his senior year, we gave him some time to think it through. He had until yesterday to let us know what his decision was.
At 8pm, he came into the room and let me know that he would be doing 100% remote learning, my heart dropped all the way to the floor. I felt sad for my baby.
Last night at 11pm I filled out the DOE survey for both of my kids, and made sure that both were enrolled in 100% remote learning. It will not be an easy school year. Yes, I will try my best to make it an easy one for both kids and even though it won't be a normal one, this momma will try her best to make it a good experience. They already have enough on their plate with their childhood being interrupted and not being able to enjoy what was supposed to be an adventure in a new school for Valentina, and for Miguel enjoying what is supposed to be his last year of high school.
I hate to admit it but 2020 is turning out to be a total shit show. We just lost power as I type this out, this post will be going live later today which is a good thing. Also good that its not so hot outside right now, because no power means no air conditioner. Yeah, I'm so very over 2020.
But back to this school year. Even though we knew that remote learning was the way to go, I tried my best to avoid filling out this survey, because I knew that the moment I did it was officially our reality, not sure if I make sense but I was avoiding that reality train.
Hate that all of the kids have to go through this and even though I am so very grateful for the fact that we are all safe and healthy, I am also mad that they have to miss out on what should be a normal day in their life but a alas that is our new normal for now. So now to make sure that they are comfortable and ready to learn at home. Next step, will be making sure that they each have their own space where they can do remote learning comfortably and happy.
Have you filled out the DOE survey?
How will your 2020-2021 school year look like?
Kary xoxo
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