This change has been coming for a while, I was just hesitant and couldn't decide on a new blog name.
Funny thing is that it was right under my nose the entire time.
So changing the blog name is something that I've been struggling with for more than a year and after playing with names, asking family and friends. Because yes, I'm that kind of girl that likes to ask for advice on what others think or any quick suggestions or ideas that might help RunChiquitaRun was decided to be the one. Not only is it my social media handle on all of the platforms that I use, aside from Youtube which is AFewMomentsWithKary but it's extra special because my dad picked it out for me. If you check out my latest Youtube video, you can see me ramble on about how I became a blogger and what RunChiquitaRun means to me.
So I bought my domain a few days ago, I've been playing around with a new logo, which is still being worked on and a possible new look for this my little corner of the internet.
I'm happy to say that changes will be coming to the blog, I will be talking more about things that are important to me, like what it means to be a Mexican blogger and what it means to be Latina.
Many more fun topics that are important to me.
Hope you stick around to this new chapter of my blog :)
In the meantime, I wish you a Happy Weekend and hooray for change!
Kary xoxo
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