We have a 6 year old!!!
Omg, where did the time go.
Yes, yes I say that every time a holiday or special milestone goes by, but it's the truth.
Where did the time go ?!
Especially with Facebook showing me old memories, it's like wasn't baby girl in my belly just a few days ago. The hardest part is letting go little by little every day,
I'm not fully ready, just look at that little smile.
I wish I could have her by my side always.
The birthday girl gets to blow out the candle and make a wish, with mommy secretly making one of her own. Yes, yes it's not my birthday and who knows how many wishes are actually allowed when the candle is blown out, but I can't help but make a wish for my baby girl as well. They say if your wish is said out loud it doesn't come true and since I want to make sure that mines does come true, it will stay a secret.
For now I count my blessings of being able to see my baby girl, blossom everyday.
Not a day goes by when I'm not amazed or blown away by something she does or say.
I look at pictures and see the difference, almost everyday.
Everyday that goes by she looks older, wiser, she's truly an old soul.
She consoles me when she sees me sad, and makes sure that I'm always smiling.
My little jellybean,
What a blessing it is to be your Mami.
You can be a little smarty pants sometimes, but I know you will go far and that you will move mountains to achieve your goals and make them a reality.
You are smart, strong and brave.
You've taught me so much, during these 6 years of you being born.
I love you and will always be by your side.
Happy 6th Birthday Mi Amorcito
Kary xoxo
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