Feliz Navidad

Feliz Navidad - Merry Christmas
I'm sneaking away to quickly post this. Today is actually our hangover day, lol.
Per Mexican tradition, we start celebrating December 24th into the early hours of today the 25th. That means that we end up going to sleep at around 4am on the 25th, sleep all morning and get up in the afternoon to continue celebrating but quietly, and more relaxed which means no cooking or dancing around. Watching movies in our pj's and eating recalentado instead with the familia. Now that is what memories are made of. Can't believe how fast this Christmas came and went, now getting ready to end another decade next week, in the meantime I'm going to be enjoying the kids who are on Winter Break. That means extra family time.

So from our family to yours, we wish you a very Merry Christmas. 
May it be full of laughter, love and lots of memorable memories.

Kary & Familia xoxo

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