Travel Light With Strolly - A Baby Must Have

It's amazing how far baby gear has come. From 15 years ago to just 5 years ago when I had Valentina. 
There are a lot of things that I wish would have been around when Valentina was a baby because they would have made things that much more easier, especially when traveling alone with the kids. Whether it was out of the country or just around the city running around doing errands.
Strolly is one of those baby must haves that every mom or dad needs, especially when going out a lot with baby and a car seat.

First of all Strolly wins with storage space, especially when you are a city parent. 
That is something that always seals the deal for me, whether it will be a space hoarder or space saver and Strolly wins with being a space saver.

What is Strolly:
Strolly is a universal car seat carrier that looks like a camping chair when closed up. 
It is the first of it's kind and was released this March 2019.
It is lightweight and easy to open up. It might look a little funny but trust me when I tell you that it will become a parents best friend.

How many times did I end up going on the bus to doctors appointment with Valentina and the bus would pull away because they couldn't wait for me to close the stroller, put it over my shoulder and then carry the baby seat. Not only is that heavy to do but it is also uncomfortable in a city that is always moving fast. It also takes up way too much space on public transportation.
Then came the times when I'd have to ravel to Mexico by myself with both kids. Can you imagine having the luggage, stroller, car seat and having two make sure I didn't lose anything. Not a pretty picture, more like a crazy picture.

How Does Strolly Work:
Strolly is compact and portable. 
All you have to do is set car seat in the seat opening, latch the safety strap and you are ready to go on adventures or errands, but adventures does sound better :)
You can use the two handles to steer or push on the car seat's handlebar.
It also has a big storage basket underneath which makes it the perfect for holding your purse or baby stuff. Just make sure that it's not more than 5 pounds to avoid extra wear and tear.
Strolly is easy to clean and keep maintained.

Since I'm always traveling with my mom and son, I love that this can be used easily by any family member. It also helps that it can easily be opened with one hand.
This will definitely be perfect for baby #3

In the meantime we will be using our Strolly to travel with my baby niece this Summer. Can't wait to carry less, which will make traveling with baby that less stressful.

With Summer already here and traveling season upon us. Make sure to add Strolly to your must haves when traveling with baby and if there are any friends who are due with a baby, then why not give them a Strolly.

Kary xoxo

Disclosure: We were sent a Strolly to review. All words and opinions are our own.

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