Saturday Wish List - ThumbHoles Edition #NaBloPoMo

Today' theme - ThumbHoles!!
This girl needs some holes stat - no pun intended.
Now that it's cold outside, this running girl needs some long sleeves with thumb holes. 
They look so comfy, plus the will help keep my sleeves down.
Just the other day as I ran hole-less & I kept tugging on my long sleeve.I kept thinking why me?? 
Everyone knows that all the cool athletes are rocking thumbholes! Either your in or your not, and right now I'm not :( Very sad indeed!

Forme Jacket - Brushed from Lulemon

 Run: Ice Queen Long Sleeve from Lulemon

 Run: Pitter Patter Pullover from Lulemon

 Sport Essential 1/4 Zip Long Sleeve from Reebok

CrossFit Warm Up 1/4 Zip from Reebok

 Oh, to win some sort of Fitness lottery where I could pick all the workout clothes my heart desired!
Are you part of the #ThumbHolesTeam?

Kary xoxo



  1. Replies
    1. They rock!!! I really wish I had more shirts with ThumbHoles :)

  2. one of my favorite shirts is wool with thumbholes. it is so freaking warm and easy to have layers on while still staying in place!

  3. Totally all about some thumbholes =)
