Happy Birthday My Miguelito!!!

 Happy 8th Birthday My Miguelito!!

About to leave for the hospital - you can see the pain in my face! Oh and people didn't believe I was pregnant, my tummy was so little.

I can not believe how fast time has gone by. It feels like it was today that I woke up at exactly 2:00am with sharp pain in my back and realizing that my contractions were starting. After 18 hours of  labor (no epidural - but that's another story on it's own)  I would embark on the greatest journey of my life. At exactly 8:00pm  we welcomed our beautiful 6 lb baby boy Miguelito. My hands were shaking so much as I felt a million emotions running through me, from feeling scared of seeing this tiny little baby that now depended on me to the realization that I was now a mom hitting me like a cold bucket of water. But the moment I held him in my arms he looked at me with his big dark brown eyes and I knew that everything was going to be ok and that true love does exist!

Humbe with 1 day old Miguelito

Me with my 1 month old Miguelito

From falling asleep in his walker to baby tantrums

Always a funny little boy

Surrounded by girls meant lots of kisses :)

Miguelito celebrating his last day as a 7yr old :)

Wishing my baby boy a beautiful and wonderful year full of lots of happiness, health and love!
May he continue to make his dreams come true and may he always stay true to himself!
I love you mi vida - dueno de mi corazon!!

Happy 8th Birthday My Beautiful Baby Boy!!

Kary xoxo


  1. Happy birthday to your sweet boy! It must have been such a ride these last 8 years and you have many more wonderful ones to come!

    p.s. I got the Chanel bag through the Purse Forum Marketplace. You apply to become a member and can buy from other members! I'm totally building up the vintage Chanel collection!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  2. Happy Birthday toMiguelito! Hope he has a great day surrounded by family y que Dios lo bendiga hoy y siempre y que lo guarde en su mano poderosa!!

    ***muchos besitos!!

  3. sweetest post ever for the most adorable and loving birthday boy! <3 seeing pregnant you (little tummy!) warms my heart. I love you so much and our birthday boy more than all the stars in the sky and wish i had red ruby slippers to transport me to NYC so we can eat our endless share of cheesy fries! My tummy is growling thinking of that yummy pizza, shake shack, and cupcakes! i thank God for another year of blessings and many more birthdays to share together. Karina, you are EXACTLY the kind of mother i hope to be one day and i can only pray that my future baby will be as wonderful as Miguelito.


    ps. i'm a terrible tia... I just got back from Toys R Us! ha for some reason I was thinking it was the 9th?! ha it'll be in the mail tomorrow ;)

  4. Aw, happy birthday Miguel!!!

    He is SUCH a cute little boy. I hope my little ones are as cute as him :)

    x Jasmine

    PS. Seriously, you cannot be pregnant in that photo! Where is your tummy?!

  5. Feliz Cumpleaños querido Miguelito! May your dreams ALWAYS come true!

  6. uff! un poco atrasada pero ojala lo paso super bien...feliz cumpleaños :)

  7. Aww! Happy happy birthday, Miguelito!!

  8. That cannot be a picture of you pregnant - your tummy is sooo little there! How can Miguelito possibly be in there?! :) I always love seeing old photos of you and your beautiful family so much :) So precious! I loved going through your photo albums when I was with you in May :) These pictures of the beautiful birthday boy just make me full of joy! He's always been such a happy child! I adore the lip stick marks all over his face :) I am SO glad he had such a wonderful birthday and I'm still craving a piece of his yummy m&m cake that you made :) I am SO sorry his gift is late from tia Micaela and me, but I hope it wil still be a surprise for him :) I love you both sooo much!! xo
