“To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven” - Karen Sunde

Feliz Dia Del Amor Y La Amistad!!!!
Happy Valentine's Day Darling Girls :)
Will you be my Valentine???

We've been surrounded by hearts!!As we watched the Grammy's last night -
 Miguelito found a Fruit Loop with a heart in the middle :)
I texted the picture to sweet Marz <3 Her words "Signs from your granddaddy"
It is so true!!!! I love my darling friend!!!!

Thank you so much for all the get well wishes :) We are feeling much better! Miguelito went back to school and Humbe and me are lounging around the house just in case Miguelito still feels somewhat sick at school. 

In the meantime I'm baking up some Valentine cupcakes with Hershey kisses in the middle - delicioso!!
A sweet surprise for my lil munchkin :)

Valentine Day Card from my Lil Lilo
Message inside - Haha!!! Hmmm I wonder is this true? Me Spoiled?
 Well she is partially to blame - you can see part of what she gave me below :) 
Gifts from my Lil Lilo!!! :) She spoils me TO much!!! I love you Jessy!!!
This was a special package full of love that I received from my darling friend Claudia!!
I loved everything and I'm actually using the cupcake wrapper right now!!
Thank you Mi Clau - Love you!!!
Hmmm... No wonder my sister say's I'm spoiled!! Haha!!
Wearing the pretty socks from Clau!!! Miguelito and his little foot with his slipper :)
Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

I wish you all a day full of love, family, chocolate, cupcakes, flowers, and heart shaped balloons :)
Enjoy my loves!!!!

Kary xoxo


  1. Happy Day of Love Kary!!! :) You are my Valentine darling girl!!!!

    I know how much you and your boys were looking forward to today and I'm so glad everyone is feeling better!!! :) It warms my heart all the heart shapes that are coming to Miguelito :) I knew the minute I saw that pic last night it was a sign from your granddaddy! Love it :) xoxo

    Look at all the sweet goodies!!!!! You def deserve to be spoiled always ;) I love you!!!

  2. What a fun day! &that quote your have at the top of the post is perfect :)

  3. Aww that is so adorable! You totally got spoiled but you deserve it :) I love all the heart shaped items and the cup cakes you made.

    It sounds like such a wonderful heart filled day. Full of love and friendship! x

  4. Happy Valentine's day Kary ..Good to know you guys are much better and that you all enjoyed Vday ..your sister does spoil you but thats what sisters are for , right ?
    Love the socks from Clau too , they're really cute .. Hope the rest of the year is filled with as much love as this day for you and your family ..

  5. Your cupcakes look delicious :) And the packages full of sweet valentine things are so cute. Thanks for the sweet comment too :)


  6. AH! what a cute fruit loop, kids really don't miss a thing!

    I also love baking, I don't have an oven... the people that owned or house before us I guess they left mad and left the house ovenless! lol!

    We just haven't had the green.

    Love you guys!

  7. Happy, Happy Belated Valentine's Day, Karina!! :)

  8. Glad you're feeling better and aww, definitely feeling the love for you sweet lady!

  9. I am so happy you are feeling better, sweet girl! those cupcakes look so delicious!!! hope you are having a warmer day than we are!!!

  10. happy valentine amore!!! i LOVE the heart fruit loop and so agree with twinkie's words... awww that just made me want to cry!

    we ARE family-- you girls were both sick :( but i'm glad you're both feeling better!!!

    i LOVED wearing my heart flower pin from your momma on valentines day :) it was PERFECT!! i can't wait to post about it.

    isn't claudia the sweetest!? we can be matching in our similar socks from our dear friend.

    i can't get over my DEXTER valentine!!! SOOO funny! and with my past, you picked such a good quote. I LOVE YOU!! so much! xoxoxo

  11. I just awarded you the Stylish Blogger award!! Stop on by to pick it up!!


    Dew This
