Our little dog - a heartbeat at our feet ;)

Sunday's Big news!!!!

Our Little Manhattan

Our playful puppy

Little Manhattan

Ah!! I'm so happy to be able to share one of our big news with you loves.
Yes! That's our puppy!!! Our little Manhattan :)
He was born on January 3rd, and will be 2 months next week!
Miguelito is SO happy and loves running around with little Manhattan, it's so funny because everybody  calls him something different.
My dad calls him Colonel, because that's what my papa Trini's dog was called,
And my mom calls him Blackie.
No matter what, this little puppy will be SO rotten spoiled!
Welcome to the family!!
Manhattan Pacheco Romero!!

Kary xoxo


  1. yay! puppies are the best!

    p.s. wanted to make sure you got my swap package...?

  2. Congratulations on your new bundle of joy!! Manhattan Pacheco Romero sounds like a great name! way too cute!

  3. ooohhh!!! congratulations on the new addition to your beautiful family! you should take videos of both your miguelito and the little manhattan! that would be sooo precious and we'd love love love to see that!

    btw, my mom said that my package has arrived from you!!! yey!!! i can't wait to pick it up from her this weekend!!!

    kisses to you sweet amiga.

  4. congratulations!
    what a beautiful baby dog! is beautiful! that color! that face! miguelito much buddy!
    many kisses beautiful !!!!! Happy day!

  5. awww, what a cutie! miguelito is in for lots of adventures!

  6. Eeee! He is so sweet! He's the perfect colour and looks so cute and playful. I'm sure you are all having fun with this new addition to the family. x

  7. Many many congratulations to you Kary for the arrival of Little Manhattan and oooh ..how I love that name ..he's adorable ..
    I am sure your days are going to be busy as hell now :D

  8. Love, love, love your new baby Kary!!! I can only imagine how cute Miguelito and Manhattan are together :) Is it okay if I call him "Cash" for the Man in Black Johnny Cash? :) hahaha Manhattan is sooooo adorable! I just want to cuddle with him :) So excited for you guys!

  9. what a cute name for a cute dog! i would be scared i'd accidentally step on him :(

  10. OMG OMG OMG! I'M IN LOVE WITH HIM!!!! i just yelled at you on text for not telling me about him! :) ha! jk, but SERIOUSLY!!!! how could you not tell me about your fur baby?! lol

    marisa just got one too and i sent her a "baby shower" gift because i love doggies so much! :) i can't imagine how much miguelito is OVER THE MOON happy about him! i know he's been wanting one :) he's ADORABLE!! just adorable!! awww i wish i could hold him and we could have puppy dates! :) your furry sombrinas say to give him a big kiss from them to Manhatton :)

    ps. i laughed at what your momma calls him cos that's our nickname for our dog Bubbles since she's all black :)
